Why You Should Join Our Private Facebook Group
Posted by Jen Anderson on

There's something powerful in finding your people. You instantly feel more confident once you know that you're not the only person alive dealing with the issues you face, or who's interested in the same things. Helping us find each other is one of the greatest things the internet does.
I've written before about how I spent years beating myself up over my failure to "lose the weight". There had even been times when I'd wondered if dieting was the best use of my time and energy. But society (and my mother) kept telling me otherwise. And then I discovered blogs and websites that asserted (with data to back it up) that my health, desirability, and worth as a human being wasn't tied to my weight. Those sites also led me to loads of online plus size clothing stores and I haven't looked back since.
I'm in more Facebook groups than I care to count. What they all come down to is offering each other support. Want to learn how to do a certain craft? Need recommendations for books on a certain subject, which TV show to binge next, or how to deal with coworkers who won't shut up about their diets? Wondering where to find wide width shoes? Post a question in the right Facebook group and you'll have an answer almost right away.
Even the groups about memes based on ancient civilization or weird thrift store finds remind members that we're not the only person who finds the humor in these things.
Which is a long-winded way of explaining why we started the We Love Vikki Vi Facebook Group. We wanted a place where we could all come together and talk about whatever's on our minds.
Pre-internet, you had to get up your nerve to ask a friend if a certain style works well on your body type only to discover that your buddy is as clueless as you are. Now you can just ask your Vikki Vi friends.
This can be a bit personal, so we've made the group Private. People can see that the group exists, but they can't join without approval. Members can see each other's posts, but they can't share them outside of the group. We have rules in place that say we'll kick anyone out for bad behavior.
We want this group to be a space where you feel comfortable opening up, or just sharing a selfie. On Fearless Fridays, you can post a pretty pic of yourself and I'll reply with an unflattering picture of myself so there's no need to be shy. You can also let me know the sorts of things you'd like me to post in the group - and you can post your own conversation starters.
The more I get to know Vikki Vi customers, the more I want to hang out with you all. I'm sure you'll enjoy each other's company, so join us.