Packing for Plus Size Business Travel Even if you travel for work often, it's still a big deal. You have to be on every second you're not recovering from the day in your hotel room. Maybe you have clients to impress, or maybe it's the bigwigs from your own company. Or both. This is not the time... Read more 1 Comment
The Plus Size Guide to Looking Professional Without Melting Dressing for work in Summer is challenging to say the least. If you dress for overzealous air conditioning, you'll be too hot outside the office. And sweaty is not the look you're going for as you arrive to work - especially when you're plus size. If you spend the day... Read more
Plus Size Job Interview Outfits Job interviews are all about making a good first impression. Your clothes can do a lot of the work for you, but there's no one job interview outfit anymore. A suit is the right choice for some industries and the worst possible choice for others. And plus size women are already fighting... Read more 4 Comments
Upgrade Your Plus Size Office Cardigan If you have a desk, there's a good chance that you have a cardigan draped over the back of your desk chair. If you have an office, it might be on a hanger. It's black, maybe gray. It's not the prettiest piece of clothing you own, but when the office... Read more 6 Comments
Plus Size Corporate Work Wear A few years after the dot com crash, I found myself working at the most corporate environment I'd ever been in. It wasn't as strict as some financial firms where they only allow gray or dark blue suits and if you show up in a brown suit they'll send you... Read more 6 Comments
Plus Size Outfits for Beating the Heat Is there any month as dreaded as August? Sure February is gray and dismal, but a bright wooly hat and scarf can fix that. But the dog days of Summer? There's going to be a day this month when you're going to consider shaving your head because you're just. so.... Read more
More Plus Size Job Interview Tips It's no secret that plus size women are at a disadvantage in the job market. We're less likely to be hired or promoted than thinner women, and we tend to get paid quite a bit less. We're just assumed to be less competent. It's a ridiculous assumption to make, but you can't... Read more 2 Comments
How To Deal With Fatphobia At Work It's frustrating that we have to be on our best behavior at the office because some people are the absolute worst. Sure you can't tell off your obnoxious Aunt Tilly either, but you don't have to see her for 40 hours a week. Plus team lunches! And after works drinks! Tilly isn't... Read more
Business Casual Isn't The Same For Everyone I'm a firm believer in fashion as armor. The right outfit lets everyone know that you're as smart as everyone else in the room. At some companies, you won't be taken seriously unless you're wearing a business suit. And if you work in finance, you might even get sent home... Read more 2 Comments
The Plus Size Woman's Guide to Asking for a Raise You deserve a raise. Women are paid less than men, plus size people are paid less than their skinnier colleagues, and your ethnicity may be a factor as well. And yet you won't get anywhere by marching into the boss' office and pointing out that you make a lot less than Stu,... Read more
Working While Plus Size It's not just you. Plus size women are at a disadvantage in the workplace. We're overlooked for promotions and raises. Our ideas are ignored. And part of that is simply because we're women. But our size is also a factor, along with skin color, hair texture, religion, and ability to join... Read more
Plus Size Day to Night Outfits Day to Night outfits are the white whales of the fashion world. It takes obsession to actually find one and no one really believes they exist. In reality, they sort of exist and sort of don't. There is no outfit that looks appropriate at the office and at an evening cocktail... Read more
5 Outfits for When Looking Good is the Best Revenge The Holiday Season is a time to gather with your best and dearest. It's also a time when you can't avoid people who drive you up the wall. Sure, Aunt Katherine's hobby is criticizing people, your co-worker took credit for your fantastic idea, and the PTA is run by that mean... Read more
In Praise of Buying Multiples We've all done it. You find a top that you like, looks good on you, and fits well. And so you buy it in three colors. Victory! And then some clueless spouse or coworker insinuates that it's a bad thing to own three of the same shirt. They are super... Read more 1 Comment
Building a Work Uniform That Doesn't Get Boring A work uniform makes it easy to get dressed in the morning, but it sounds like the most boring thing in the world. How can anyone suggest I wear the same thing every weekday when there are so many different things I could be wearing? Will no one think of... Read more