The Plus Size Guide to Special Occasion Clothes I'm always going on about versatile clothing and how you shouldn't feel obligated to buy an outfit that's only appropriate at weddings, holiday parties, and special occasions. But "don't feel that you have to" isn't the same as "you shouldn't". Clothing is supposed to be fun. If you want to... Read more 1 Comment
The Guide to Being a Plus Size Wedding Guest (or MOB) I used to think that buying a dress that I'd probably never wear again was a requirement for attending a wedding. How else will the bride know how happy I am for her? It would be rude to show up in a dress I'd worn before. It's one of those... Read more 6 Comments
Plus Size Beach Wedding Guest Outfits So you've been invited to a beach wedding. Your first thought was probably, "oh, isn't that nice?" And your second thought was, "ugh, what am I going to wear?" This is a tricky one, but I've got you. Why is This So Complicated? You've been to plenty of weddings, but this... Read more 1 Comment
Plus Size Special Event Outfits You'll Wear Again Here we go again, ladies. Spring weddings. Graduations. Often with the same group of friends and family. There was a time when I bought a new dress for every special occasion. All that got me was a closet full of dresses that I only wore a couple of times. I... Read more 3 Comments