Plus Size Job Interview Outfits Job interviews are all about making a good first impression. Your clothes can do a lot of the work for you, but there's no one job interview outfit anymore. A suit is the right choice for some industries and the worst possible choice for others. And plus size women are already fighting... Read more 4 Comments
Plus Size Corporate Work Wear A few years after the dot com crash, I found myself working at the most corporate environment I'd ever been in. It wasn't as strict as some financial firms where they only allow gray or dark blue suits and if you show up in a brown suit they'll send you... Read more 6 Comments
The Plus Side Guide To Being Ready For Anything There's this silly cliche about women standing in front of overflowing closets and saying that they have nothing to wear. And sure, sometimes a woman's closet is stuffed full of stained, out of style pieces that don't even fit anymore. But usually what we're really saying is "I don't have... Read more
More Plus Size Job Interview Tips It's no secret that plus size women are at a disadvantage in the job market. We're less likely to be hired or promoted than thinner women, and we tend to get paid quite a bit less. We're just assumed to be less competent. It's a ridiculous assumption to make, but you can't... Read more 2 Comments