It's Summer Troll Season The weather is starting to heat up, and you're starting to dream of summer cookouts, trips to the pool, and leaving the house without a jacket. Sadly, some people continue to be the absolute worst. They think they're entitled to an opinion about us - and that their opinion actually... Read more 6 Comments
Shopping For Plus Size Bathing Suits Bathing suit shopping isn't for the faint of heart. You can work up a sweat just putting one on. Then you look in the mirror and instead of appraising how the bathing suit looks on you, you study your body like a plastic surgeon trying to decide where to start.... Read more 1 Comment
The Secret to Plus Size Summer Clothes It's getting hot out, everyone's shipping their kids off to summer camp, you've been invited to a dozen cookouts and you don't have a thing to wear. This includes all those things that you don't want to wear. Maybe you bought them at a hotel gift shop when your luggage was lost or... Read more
Summer 2019 Plus Size Trends By now you know that I'm not big on trends. I'd rather have clothes that I can still wear in a year than the latest thing. To be fair, I may have developed this opinion because until recently, it was so hard to find trendy clothes in plus sizes, but I... Read more 4 Comments