Turning to Plus Size Fashion for Comfort
Posted by Jen Anderson on

You don't need me to tell you why you could use some comfort right about now. Just pick your favorite thing to worry about. Even locking yourself away at home isn't really an escape because you have to do that anyway thanks to the pandemic. And let's not forget the mundane, personal rough patches - anything from a bad day at work to an argument with a sibling who pushes all your buttons without even trying can send you looking for something, anything that can make you feel better.
Some of our comforting activities are too fleeting to make a real difference. Others can get boring after a while. (I think we've all discovered that there actually is a limit to how much time we can spend curled up on the couch watching television.) But there are comforting things that we can weave into our lives in a way that keeps the comfort coming.
When you think of dressing for comfort, fashion might be the farthest thing from your mind. You're probably picturing loungewear right now. And loungewear can be fashionable as well as comfy. But turning to fashion for comfort isn't just about the PJs.
Plus size women who are old enough to remember how few clothing options we had pre-2008 spent a lot of years not loving their outfits. Which is why dressing stylishly feels so good. After years of feeling like we didn't deserve nice clothing, dressing up can remind us of all the wonderful things we do deserve (including fabulous duds).
Wearing a stylish outfit feels self indulgent in the best possible way - even when you won't be going out. When you dress to please yourself, it doesn't matter where you are. It feels good because you're taking care of yourself.
You don't have to choose between physical comfort and emotional comfort.
Not only is there stylish loungewear to be had, but even your work outfits can be physically comfortable. Well-made clothes that fit properly are as comfortable as it gets.
What does emotionally comforting clothing look like?
First and foremost, it involves fabric that feels wonderful against your skin. Vikki Vi Classics are silky smooth, and our Jersey Classics are as soft as buttah. Clothes that look good but feel scratchy aren't going to cut it.
Color is also important. When you're wearing a color that you love, simply seeing your sleeves as you reach for something can give you a jolt of happiness. Prints can have the same effect for those of us who are into that sort of thing.
Specific styles of clothing can be especially comforting. Long, swingy tunics always make me feel like as is well with the world. Maybe kimono jackets or swing vests do it for you.
What it comes down to is that wearing something you love is soothing.
Be gentle with yourself.
Difficult times are a part of life. Acknowledging that not everything is OK is the first step in processing events and the related emotions. You can grit your teeth and keep going as usual, but that'll lead to dental problems. It's better to do some self-soothing. Don't beat yourself up for zoning out on the couch, or stepping away from the news and social media for a few hours. And turn to fashion if that helps.
During this Pandemic I have managed to get up, dress up and show up for the day, even those days when I have never left home. Clothes that fit, have flattering colors and a great feel provide great encouragement for showing up for the day. That my friends is Dressing for Success! I’m all about feeling good and looking great!