Traveling While Plus Size - Taking Chances
Posted by Jen Anderson on

One of the things I love about traveling is the chance to get away from myself for a while. Vacation Me is just a little different from Regular Me. Leaving my usual routine means shaking things up, trying new things, and taking chances.
Not that I'm an adventurer. My idea of a good time involves museums, shopping, and afternoon snacks. The most I'm willing to risk is sore feet. Snorkeling and parasailing are fine for other people, but if I'm on the beach I'm going to be sipping a drink while wearing a glamorously floppy hat.
I'm talking about taking the risks that we're all afraid to take in our "real" lives. Those little things that we'd like to do, but don't because we're not sure how people will react. But when we travel, we're surrounded by people we're never going to see again. We can stop caring about making a good impression because their opinions of us simply don't matter.
Show Off Those Upper Arms

Raise your hand if you keep your upper arms covered at all times. Oh wait - you never raise your hand because it draws attention to your arms. (Or is that just me?)
Looking at my upper arms reminds me of my Grandmother wearing a sleeveless housedress while she endured summers without air conditioning. I inherited her flappy arms along with her good skin and heavy frame. It's taken me some effort to adopt her nonchalance.
For a lot of plus size women, we'd never consider baring our arms while running errands, relaxing with friends, or (yikes) at the office. No matter how hot it gets, we stay covered.
But why not give it a try on vacation? Remember - you're never going to see these people again. It doesn't matter if they're horrified by the sight of your upper extremities. Which they won't be unless you're traveling with some truly awful people.
Especially if you're traveling to someplace hot and humid. Keeping covered is going to keep you from enjoying yourself. Just show off those arms in a Sleeveless Shell. You'll be stylish and comfortable, so you can focus on how much fun you're having.
But wait - what about vacation photos?! You can't possibly ruin your vacation memories by exposing your arms. You won't be able to see anything else when you look at the pictures.
If you really feel that strongly about it, why not bring along a shrug or sheer topper that you can throw on at picture time? It'll probably come in handy when you encounter overzealous air conditioning. By the end of your trip, you may be so used to letting your upper arms see the light of day that you don't feel the need to cover up when the camera comes out.
Then Try This at Home

Once you've exposed your upper arms to strangers, it's a lot easier to do it among friends. You may even find yourself doing it at the office when it's weather-appropriate. And realizing that you don't have to hide a part of yourself makes for a great vacation souvenir.
Thank you Jen and Vikki Vi! It is my first time to read your blog. Looking at your photo you have embraced the first line of defense in life (whether one is plus sized or not) good grooming. Beautiful skin, hair and make up….whose looking at your arms? Esp with a big hat protecting that beautiful skin. You are right about European women many who are full and fleshy where 2 piece suits here in the US when they visit. I have noticed them also. Another tip: Did you know there are airlines who give you your money back if you buy and extra seat to accommodate size and comfort, if the plane isn’t 100% full? Southwest is one of them, just FYI. I love reading the blog!
True we may never see them again but phone cameras, video, youtube and other sites have made it possible for others to immortalize us without our permission. The only responses are hide, dont care, get others to respect large people as well as anyone else that falls out of the “norm”.
Who exactly is fooled by my wearing a sweater in summer anyway? I mean my batman arms are still there? If needed I prefer a wrap for a picture. The big hat calls attention up. I love to cruise and those European woman can teach us a few things. They way two piece bathing suits!!
I may but the bullet and wear a
Sleeveless top;)