Behind The Scenes With Danielle
Posted by Jen Anderson on

Danielle Malconian, aka our fearless leader, has been devoted to helping plus size women for 25 years. It's her life's calling. But how did she get here?
It all started with her feet. Her size 12 feet, to be precise. She says, "when I was a young woman, there were very few places that I could buy shoes that fit me. I was completely shut out of the fashion shoe market." Sound familiar?
When she landed a job managing the plus size clothing department at Nordstrom, she had loads of compassion for her customers. She knew what it's like to not be able to buy something that fits well and looks good. She understood the frustration because she'd been there. "Ever since I discovered the Nordstrom Shoe Department about 20 years ago, I've been obsessed with my ability to buy great sandals and boots. I tend to wear sandals in the summer and boots in the winter." It's just so much more fun to shop when you know where to find things that fit.
Vikki Vi has a rich history of providing women with great looking, comfortable clothing, which explains why our customers are so devoted. When the original company behind Vikki Vi went out of business, Danielle knew she had to buy the label and keep it going. As excited as people were to discover Vikki Vi, they would've been equally devastated to lose it.
Like any business owner, Danielle wants to reach more customers. But for her it's more about serving people than making a buck. She hopes to get Vikki Vi clothing back in stores so that plus size women can have the pleasant shopping experience they had back in the 90s.
Her favorite part of the job is working with her small staff of women. They have a warm and inviting atmosphere to work in every day. She says, "I also love my customers and employees. A positive environment is very important to me."
Danielle's all time favorite piece of clothing is a pair of Joe's Jeans. (Don't we all dream of finding that perfect pair of jeans?) Her current fave is her new Bamboo Lounge Wear. No joke. No self promotion. "I love the soft feel of the bamboo fabric on my skin." In the Summer, you'll find her in maxi dresses but she prefers pants the rest of the year.
Her #1 style tip: "Care more about your garment fitting well and feeling comfortable than any current fashion trend. When I'm comfortable and feel put together, I am my most confident self."
Fun facts: Outside of work, Danielle is an avid Dodgers fan and loves to keep score at baseball and softball games. "Both of my kids played and I was at every game." She plays the piano, paints, and has a daily meditation practice. She practices yoga and can stand on her head for three minutes.
Words of wisdom: "As I age, I am aware that strength, focus and joy are the most important things in life."
I started wearing these in the late 80’s I think. I know for sure the 90’s. Originally found them at Nordstrom’s and then so disappointed when they stopped carrying them. At that time in the 90’s traveled all over the world and needed to have things that packed well and wore well and always looked nice and that I could dress up or down. It fit the bill perfectly, with my all black 3 pieces, pants, top and jacket I could dress it up with fun accessories or great scarves and always look put together. Also since I was lumpy it was always a nice fit. My niece can not believe for how many years I have been wearing it and lots more of this brand but it is so classic. We joke that I will be buried in the black outfit with a great piece of vintage costume jewelry, which I used to sell and these outfits showcased so well. Thank You!!!!!
I am afraid to count how many Vikki Vi pieces I own. But with a massive scarf and earring collection, along with a decent sized Alegria Paloma style shoe collection I would guess I can put together HUNDREDS of outfits. The dresses and jackets are the perfect foil for accessories.Mixing and matching the basic solid pieces with accessories means I rarely wear the same outfit twice. I LOVE these clothes. I jokingly call the dresses “sausage casings”–sounds really tacky, but I feel like they hold me in gently and streamline my admittedly somewhat lumpy lines.
Please make a cool frosty light pink (not flesh tone or coral) batch. Then roll out a “blue tone”red line.
You are the best.
I too was very disappointed when Vicki Vi stopped selling at Nordstrom. But was happy to discover Plus By Design. What I love about Vicki Vi is that the color never fade and you can trust the fit. Which is good when ordering online. Vicki Vi is also the best clothes to travel with. They never wrinkle, compact when packing, &can be worn casual or dressed up.
Hi Danielle,
Fancy seeing you here on Facebook!! My order should arrive tomorrow (Thursday).
Was so happy to find Vikki Vi several months ago –especially since my older ones were thread-bare.
What a great story! Keep up the good work, Danielle! Your efforts are much appreciated!