How To Ease Yourself Into Body Positivity I get it. You see inspirational quotes telling you to love your body and you're just not feeling it. You decide that body positivity is fine for other people, but not you. These body positive people sure look happy, though. After decades of hating what you see in the mirror,... Read more 1 Comment
How To Dress Well When Your Weight Fluctuates Raise your hand if you've ever decided that you can't spend "too much" on clothes because you were going to be a different size before long. Yeah, me too. Your weight is affected by a lot of things. It could be medication, a medical condition, a diet, or a new fitness... Read more
How to Dress Your Newly Plus Size Body We're all one illness, knee injury, or global pandemic away from being forced to reduce our physical activity. Which can mean weight gain. Or you've had the good fortune to grow older, and your metabolism has slowed down. Or you're on a new medication that causes weight gain. Or maybe... Read more 1 Comment
The Plus Size Guide to Self Care Somehow self care has gotten a reputation as something self indulgent. We say self care and think of long candlelit baths. Your BFF tells you that you've been neglecting self care and you insist that you'll get to it when you have the time. But your bestie isn't telling you... Read more
Dealing With Doctors When You're Plus Size A few years ago, I fell and hit my knees on the sidewalk so I went to my newish primary care doctor. I explained the new injury and how it seemed to have aggravated an old injury. And this doctor with a flourishing practice, loads of medical education, et cetera and... Read more 5 Comments
Plus Size for Women Over 50 Is plus size over 50 really that different than dressing when you're in your 40s? Or 30s? Or 20s? Change really sneaks up on you, doesn't it? You probably didn't think too much about your changing style when you turned 30 or 40. But looking back makes it clear that... Read more 1 Comment
The Plus Size Guide to Surviving Hot Flashes I've got one word for you, ladies: breathable. That may make you think of wrinkly, high maintenance fabrics, but that's not the case anymore. The things they're doing with synthetics these days are amazing. First up, a friendly reminder that I'm not a doctor and I have no idea if any medical interventions... Read more 1 Comment
5 Things That Make Caring For Your Vikki VI Classics a Snap Some customers tell us they've been wearing the same Vikki Vi Classics for decades. Not the same styles - the same exact pair of pants. Others say, "they're great but get too long after a while." What's the difference? The annoying reality is that most of us don't know how... Read more 9 Comments
Why Plus Size Caftans Are Still Sweeping The Nation If you own a caftan, you already know why they've recently become popular. Actually, you've probably been wondering when everyone else was going to catch on. The rest of you have visions of Mrs. Roper's 1970s caftans dancing in your head and you're wondering how they could possibly be back in style.... Read more 2 Comments
All About Plus Size Tunics You've probably noticed that our Classic Collections include both Tops and Tunics that look not that different from each other. And then we have longer tunics that are clearly longer than tops. There are several styles of top that can be called tunics, and some of them may not be... Read more
All About Classic Plus Size Basics We sometimes talk about the Hero Pieces in our wardrobe - the stunning print, eye-catching art top, that jacket that you just had to have. They're a bit more exciting than that little black dress. What we tend to forget is that without a good collection of basics on hand, those Hero... Read more
All About Plus Size Loungewear You probably already know that Vikki Vi classics are as comfy as pajamas even though they're also office-appropriate. Yet you probably don't want to wear your Vikki Vi Classics to bed. And sometimes you want to curl up on the couch wearing clothes that were specifically made for relaxing. But you don't... Read more
How To Be A Plus Size Style Chameleon It can be empowering (and fun) to develop a signature style. But it can also be fun to adopt different styles from time to time. We're complicated beings, so why restrict ourselves to only one look? Sometimes it's about being appropriate. Years ago, I visited a friend in Tampa, Florida.... Read more 2 Comments
Plus Size Leggings Plus size women have been let down by leggings so often that they won't try a new brand without two personal recommendations and a substantial coupon. Even then, we think twice. Shopping for leggings inspires the kind of trepidation usually reserved for bathing suits. I think it's because leggings can... Read more 2 Comments
The Plus Size Guide to Pants Years ago, I was in a department store dressing room when I heard a woman way down at the other end asking no one in particular why the store only had boot cut jeans. I knew why and to this day, I regret not butting in and explaining. All pants are not created... Read more 4 Comments