Layering While Plus Size I used to worry that layering clothes on my plus size body just wasn't a good look. I was haunted by the ill-fitting clothes of my youth. Of course wearing a too-snug blazer over anything was bound to make me look and feel like a child so bundled up to play in... Read more
Plus Size Outfits for Serious Occasions Funerals. I mean funerals. And memorial services. We don't like to think about it, but it's a fact of life and you'll be much happier if you have a serious outfit in your closet in advance. OK, maybe not happier. But a lot less stressed. I know you really don't want... Read more 1 Comment
Style Tips for Rectangle Shaped Women If you're rectangle shaped, you've probably spent your share of time glaring at the mirror annoyed that you're plus sized by not curvy. Oh, the injustice of it all. Except that a plus size rectangle shaped woman has more fashion options than other women. You actually have it pretty good. I'm... Read more 1 Comment
Style Tips for Pear Shaped Women Maybe you call yourself pear shaped, or maybe you prefer triangle-shaped. Either way, you've probably wasted a ridiculous amount of time and energy glaring at your hips in a dressing room mirror. Stop blaming your hips and stop looking for fabulous outfits in all the wrong places. Reality check time... Read more 3 Comments
The Plus Size Woman's Guide to Smart Casual Including a dress code on an invitation can make it easy to pick an outfit for the event - as long as you know what it means. You might groan at the words, "Black tie," but at least you know what's expected of you. Smart Casual can make you want to... Read more 1 Comment
Plus Size Beach Vacation Outfits For most of us, packing for a beach vacation takes a bit of thought. Since one of those thoughts is, "This would be a lot easier if I had time to go shopping," we should have this conversation whether or not you're planning a trip to the beach in the... Read more
Style Tips for Apple Shaped Women Having an apple shaped body can be frustrating. The other body shapes are all variations on each other. An apple shaped body is different. Not wrong. Not worse. Just different. Like every other body shape, yours is more comfortable in some styles than others. So stop wasting time cursing at... Read more 2 Comments
Style Tips for Inverted Triangle Shaped Women There are two types of Inverted Triangle shaped women - gals whose shoulders are wider than their hips, and ladies whose bust measurement is bigger than their hips. Whichever one you are, you've undoubtedly been told to make your hips look bigger to balance out your top. Which, sure. Get... Read more 2 Comments
Plus Size House Dresses Are Back – With a Twist We all remember grandma (or mom) walking around in a house dress. And cool, hip, rebellious little ladies that we were, we swore never to wear such a garment. But those house dresses were a holdover from the time when women wore dresses and skirts exclusively. Women didn't have the... Read more
Plus Size Kimonos You're probably picturing a traditional Japanese formal kimono right now. But in fashion, everyone influences everyone else which is why there are so many clothing styles that can be described as kimonos, kimono jackets, kimono-inspired, etc. Let's talk about some of those and which ones might be right for you.... Read more 1 Comment
Plus Size Loungewear When you're plus size, loungewear can be complicated. Age can also be an issue. Old sweatpants and a baggy, worn out top may look cute on a slender 25 year old, but sloppy on a plus size 40something. Plus size women have to fight against the lazy, messy stereotype when... Read more 1 Comment
Plus Size Cardigans March weather tends to be all over the place. The temperature can vary wildly from day to day, or even from hour to hour. It's the time of year that's really made for working from home, because it's impossible to dress appropriately for an entire day. Which is where cardigans... Read more 1 Comment
Plus Size for Over 60 It's a good idea to revisit your personal style every now and then. We grow and change over time so our style evolves. If our wardrobes don't keep up, we can lose enthusiasm for our clothes and we get stuck in a rut of wearing whatever's handy. And that can... Read more 2 Comments
Plus Size Long Tops to Wear With Leggings Long tops over leggings is a really great look no matter what size you wear. The contrast in proportions is fun. It's a middle ground in the "are leggings pants?" debate - technically, you're wearing them as pants, but... It comes down to how comfortable you are with displaying the contours... Read more
Plus Size Jackets The word "jacket" used to strike fear into my heart. Plus size jackets weren't that easy to come by not that long ago. I hated shopping for jackets so much that I'd just wear my mother's old ones - well into my 20s. For me, jackets were only about keeping warm.... Read more 2 Comments